Athletic Forms
Getting in the game requires more than just passion—it requires paperwork! Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your journey, this is the hub for documents needed to get you on the track, field, court, or wherever your sporting dreams take you. Let's gear up, fill out those forms, and get ready to play! Note: Don't forget to stop by our Registration page to complete the rest of the process, including the training presentation/videos and payment.
Physical Examination
Students registering for athletics must have a current physical examination on file in the athletic office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. To ensure clearance for participation, physicals should be completed and turned in to the athletic office no later than three school days before the first day of practice/tryouts.
Physical examinations taken on April 1 and after that are valid for the following two school years. Physical examinations taken before April 1 are valid only for the remainder of that school year and the following school year.
Physical/Medical Release Forms
Alternate-Year Physical/Medical Release Forms
Please reach out to the RCHS Athletic Administrative Assistant with any questions regarding school forms.